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How to connect Moon Knight to to the MCU more clearly

 I’ll be honest. If it wasn’t for the Marvel logo being attached to Moon Knight, I never would have known the series was a Marvel entity. After several Avengers movies, along with Captain America: Civil War, where many Marvel hero’s interact with one another, it seems to me that there should be at least a hint of a new movie or Disney + show connecting to the broader MCU. This didn’t seem to be the case for Moon Knight and the producers need to understand that not everyone who watches these are familiar with the comics. I didn’t seem to find anything that had to do with the rest of the MCU at all. The show itself was fine for what it was and was fairly enjoyable but I feel it would have been nice have some references to the MCU as a whole.  With that being said, I thought of a way to do that. My idea mainly has to do with the after credits of the last episode. Before I get to that, I’d have some subtle hints about the broader MCU throughout the series. For instance, maybe a mention of

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